Hookup wire for tube amplifier?

Wondering what kind of of hookup wire you guys have used and which you liked best. I'm considering OCC copper wire...the VHaudio OCC wire with Airlock seems interesting. Most have described OCC wire as very smooth but with detail, even a little dark. But I prefer that over bright.

I tend to stay away from silver wire just because IMO it's a gamble. It can sound too bright and tonally thin sounding, although detailed. But if you know good silver hookup wire, I'd be interested. I find the Duelund silver hookup wire intriguing.
Larryi, in absolute terms you are right, as most of us were not present during the recording session to hear the music live. So we can mostly describe sound of components in relative terms to each other. But to a certain extent, I think we can still infer what should sound correct given our numerous exposure to live music over the years.

I hear many promote use of transformers (input, interstage) over caps because transformers are suppose to give superior sound. However, I have a feeling that proper implementation and choice of top quality caps result in sound just as good as transformers. Just my hunch, nothing more. If anyone has any experience comparing the two approach, I would be very interested in hearing your experience.

Could you put into words what you mean by "Zing"?
I listen to alot of classical and in the bow of the string I sometimes notice something that sounds sort of plastic. I should say, I notice it very infrequently.


Sounds like your preamp is working well for you and has the right synergy with the downstream components. You are quite right, since I have only heard my amp with the VcapTFTF it is impossible to know what part or component might be producing that plastic impression.

I am not too worried about the V-cap since what ever it is doing I am digging the music. The mids thru the bottom end is musical and fast. The AN speakers respond well to 300b's.
Hard to describe but it is a very detailed, slippery, fast sound especially noticeable in the high frequency. Not sure if I would call it plastic sound.
Dracule1, you should try direct-coupling sometime. Especially at the output of a preamp this can have a huge effect.