What is nearfield listening?

I had someone "in the industry" who some of you have bought products from tell me that nearfield listening doesn't have to do with actual distance from the speakers, that it refers to whether you are sitting inside or outside a 60 degree angle from the speakers.

Secondly, what are the drawbacks to sitting close to your speakers? I figure that there are advantages like being able to pull your speakers far out from back and side walls and also that the listening seat can also be far from the back wall.
But how can a recording incorporate sound not yet in existence? Has the reflected sound deliberately been eliminated during mixing in order to reintegrate it during playback? How does speaker response and an-echoic specs relate to this? How do you 'engineer' sound?
"But how can a recording incorporate sound not yet in existence?"

A recording can only capture what was put into it by the producers.

"Has the reflected sound deliberately been eliminated during mixing in order to reintegrate it during playback? "

I would guess not normally. But different amounts of reflected sound in recordings can and will result depending on the specific production techniques used.

How does speaker response and an-echoic specs relate to this?

I think those practically are best determined using electronically produced test signals, which are different, not real recorded music.

How do you 'engineer' sound?

Isn't that exactly what all sound recording engineers and producers do? I believe they typically use near field listening techniques and monitors designed for near-field listening to do this in order to take room acoustics out of the picture in that acoustics will be different in each case where the recording is played back by the customers who buy their product.

SOme labels, like Mapleshade for example, have production techniques specifically designed to optimize soundstage and imaging overall.

Also a lot of early hi-fi recordings, like those from MErcury Living PResence, for example, were made with an emphasis on maxing out sound quality, including soundstage and imaging, when such things were still quite novel and marketable on a relatively large scale (compared to today).
Okay, I'm a little confused now. On the one hand you stated they don't normally eliminate reflected sound, and then that they use near field techniques to take room acoustics out of the picture.
They will often use nearfield listening techniques (or headphones) to take room acoustics out of the playback picture. Most consumers do not care about soundstage and imaging when listening.
One way to think about near-field listening, sitting 3-5 feet away from your gear.