Upscale RCA Jacks - McIntosh

Does anyone know why McIntosh often uses the bottom-of-the-line RCA jacks on some very nice pieces of equipment? Generally, I avoid buying anything that does not have the nicer jacks on it. Have I ever actually heard the difference between plain old jacks and expensive upscale jacks? Not that I am aware of.

One would think that McIntosh would use the better jacks, if only for psychological impact. Is there a school of thought that believes that the simple jacks might actual be the equal of the upscale ones - or perhaps even better?
Somewhere around 1982 or so is when the 'magic' of high end audio appeared.
that is fancy parts instead of typical parts.. And the prices went with the fancy parts to fancy places..
Prior to around 1982 ALL equipment had cheap RCA female acks. Then they started in on audiophile jewelry, fancy RCA jacks etc..
So maybe no one told McIntosh?
Maybe the old coots at MAC decided all that fancy crap was folderol?
Maybe the tried some and decided no one could hear any difference?
Maybe the fancy ones would not fit, ditto output stuff and they did not want to redesign the chassis just to squeeze in the fancy stuff..
(Since MACs amp output screws are notoriously close together...

On the ARC SP-10 they used the cleap jacks.. By the time they got to the Sp-15 the jacks are fancy..

Change the old cheap jacks to fancy ones depends on if the jacks are hardwire right up to a circuit board. or freestanding in the rear penel as to replacing them.
Hardwired right to a circuit board is tough to change.
Elizabeth- folderol?? I love it. Thanks for bringing some class to the forum.
Rega does the same thing.. the el cheapo jacks even on the Saturn.. I think they figure "it doesn't sonically make a difference" ??
Even if it does not sonically make a difference; sometimes the more expensive jacks actually provide a more secure connection when the cables are heavy and/or stiff.
cheap doesnt mean bad. there are too many other factors more important in choosing a component rather than if they use the latest trendy part that people pretend they can/will hear a difference in.