Substitute for Waveterminal U24

About a week ago I ordered a Waveterminal U24 to use in converting a USB signal from my computer to a sp/dif signal that I could feed into my Musical Fidelity Trivista DAC. I got a note back today from the company that I ordered from saying that the model had been discontinued. I've done some checking around on the internet and that appears to be true.

Does anyone know of a comparable external device that will do a good job of converting USB to (RCA coax) sp/dif?
If this is used for the digital output, how does SNR matter?

I use Transit for digital output. If you are willing to spend more, there are many Transit-based mods.
Empirical Audio Off-Ramp Turbo, based upon Transit.
Squeezebox 3. I use it with my Tri-Vista with good results, awaiting a modified version to see if mods help.
Just an update: I have found a device that appears to be very similar to the waveterminal u24. It is made by Hagerman Technologies and retails for about $100 less than the waveterminal. I ordered one a couple days ago and will report back on how it sounds.

I also recently ordered a Wavelength Cosecant USB DAC. I am very curious to hear how this will sound compared to using the Hagerman USB to S/PDIF converter with my MF Tri-Vista DAC.