High End User Interface for PC Audio

In the future, I am sure high end manufactuers will give us the same tweaky, visual and tactile happiness that we enjoy with exotic digital and analogue source devices.

In the meantime, however, one of the things that really disappoints me about PC audio is the cheesey, plasticky feel of surfing through iTunes on a computer, with my Tympanis, ARC and Mark Levinson eyeing me suspiciously from the background.

Indeed, there are times when I almost feel guilty, as if I were pouring cheap wine into a beautiful glass.

So I am wondering: using technology available TODAY, what would you use to upgrade the look and the feel of a hard drive based system, using UNCOMPRESSED files, delivered to the DAC of your choice?

A metal keyboard? laser mouse?

A sexy, HD capable monitor sitting on a coffee table to surf through your digital library?

Wireless technology to increase the - wow this is cool -factor for PC based audio?

Apple Mac G5? (Not a good answer IMO.)

Airport type wireless device? Or USB based device?

Thank you for your ideas.
Got my wireless link working last night, so now I'm using a Viewsonic Airpanel: http://www.viewsonic.com/products/mobilewireless/wirelessmonitors/airsyncv210wirelessdisplay/ (basically a 10" touchscreen remote desktop for a networked PC) and a hidden small form factor PC (doesn't matter how it looks if you can't see it) to run iTunes. The SFF PC is fanless with a quiet spinpoint drive--inaudible. Its hooked to the dCS gear with a waveterminal... Great fun.
Like Kenn39 I use the M-Audio Transit ($80). It is connected to a Benchmark Media DAC1 with a two meter glass fiber toslink cable. The rest of my system is a Bryston 14BSST and Von Schweikert VR-HSE speakers. My player is Foobar 2000 running at 44.1 khz with the ASIO (exe) driver. I'm extremely pleased with this setup.
Several things make the stock Transit only fair - powered from the PC, Optical output and power/signal noise. If you like the stock Transit, you will love the Off-Ramp Turbo or Freeway which are based on Transit with a coax, AES or I2S output, improved clocks and external power (even battery). These have 1/100 of the jitter.
This is all great and thank you everyone.

The mist is clearing a bit here, but I am realizing that I have a habit of sitting in my chair in whatever room, and wanting to have internet access and music 24/7 but without my laptop in my lap (too hot, screen too small, keyboard too cramped) but also without a PC obviously sitting in the room.

So I am wondering if I can

1) incorporate all your suggestions for best audio
2) hide the PC, put in a rack etc.
3)use a wireless keyboard, perhaps with some sort of IR booster device so I can take it around the room like a laptop - or even use it in another room

4) have only very sleek, unobtrusive monitors on a coffee table next to my chairs (but I guess this has to be hard wired?)

When not using the keyboard, I can put it away etc.

This way, the hardware would be much more stylish and discreet, but still somewhat permanently installed near my favorite chairs, no need to plug and unplug laptop, nice big display etc.

But I welcome further comments and suggestions.

I've tried the wireless keyboard and mouse thing. Its kind of cool, but only so-so functionality-wise. Optical mice, for example, don't track well on glass tables.

That is why I revived my touchscreen Airpanel--I can pretty much get away with doing anything or everything with iTunes w/o a keyboard. The airpanel is small enough that I don't mind carrying it around a bit.

The other alternative I've seen is folks running thin-client front ends on pocket PCs--you know, the little Palm Pilot like things. Might be able to figure a path to VNC or remote to your computer off one of those, and do it all with a touchscreen. Those things seemed a bit small to me when trying to index stuff on iTunes, hence the 10" touchpanel.