Roku SoundBridge vs. SqueezBox3

Has anyone compared to two. I am seriously looking the Roku as it works with MusicMatch. This unit will be connected via ethernet to a DAC.

Thank you for your input.

Wireless is not cool! Why on earth would you want to bombard your home with microwave frequencies? 802.11g operates on the exact same frequency you cook your food with in a microwave oven. Not to mention the fact that wireless networks are the easiest to hack. You would be much better off using a UBS Dac or a high quality PCI sound card to deliver SPDIF.
I compared the Roku to the SqueezeBox2 via their built in DACs -- and I bought the SB2. I thought the SB sounded a bit better, but it could just be that I preferred the cosmetics and interface of the SBI. I could live happily with either.
Terrat, a simple tinfoil hat should keep out the microwaves. I'm afraid it won't do much for those voices in your head though...

Thankyou for your responses. Even the Terrat who missed that I was connectiong via ethernet (cable) to the soundbridge.

I have had the soundbridge for 2 days now on loan from my favorite dealer. It works with MusicMatch 8.2 if you are using mp3 files but not .wav files.

I uploaded windows media connect and now it will stream .wav files. But there is a problem with .wav files in thay are not tagged with Artist or Album so the only way to search or browse is by song. This is not optimum.

My first impressions taking the spdif out to a DAC is that it is at least as good as my transport. One one track the sound stage seemed to be wider with more localization of the instruments. As far as tone quality I will not say that there is any difference at this point but it is so close that I need to do more listening.
