USB-S/PDIF Converter or USB DAC?

I've decided it's time to use a music server with my main system. I currently use one (iBook) with my headphone system with the Grace m902 headphone amp with built-in USB DAC. I intend to get a new Intel iBook when they are released (March/April).

I currently have an unused Wavelength Audio S/PDIF DAC that I could use with a USB-S/PDIF converter (such as Empirical or Red Wine Audio) or get a USB DAC (WA Brick, Stello, ???). Is a dedicated USB DAC preferred over the hack USB-S/PDIF converter route?
Hmm... I'm intrigued by the wireless USB hub. I don't think I'd worry about UWB as a RF technology--its a very, very low level signal; we are talking about impulses here. Anyway, I have a hard time believing your are going to get interference problems with your hardware.

B'sides, the upside is huge--if the Belkin lit is to be believed, its freeking fast. USB 2.0 is 3mbps, and they say its 100x faster. Plenty of bandwidth to do very interesting things, including 24/96.

With reference to some other prior comments, and I may be wrong here, I don't think pops and clicks are a USB issues. When my DAC loses sync, it takes at least a second to re-sync. Anything resolving as a pop or click strikes me as being a source problem, power problem or the like, not a USB falling off the BER cliff problem.

I've used USB repeater cables and that sounded one helluva lot better to my ear than going toslink for long distances... Granted, it was a crappy toslink cable, but the difference in audiophile speak was "not subtle."
I am intrigued by USB as soooo many posts claim its superiority, but can somebody please explain this:
-Isoncronous (isosyncronus?) data transfer..
-and bidirectional with error corrrection.
-We also have the new DVD players with buffer systems to do the error correction,
-then we get the external clocks like the BigBen or the DCS verona that enslave transport and DAC to the same clock, so no error from 2 clocks there, supposed to be great also!
Everyone claims to be the best...
What about a huge overbuilt transport like VRDS, CEC or Forsell...

I would only trust my ears because there are a lot of technical explanations that sound soooo logical but when the time comes to hook the thing up to your system they just dont sound that good...
I had in my system Squeezeboxes modded and not which have Ethernet connection, I dont think you can go more bidirectional than that! Unless they are not using the function (isoncronous maybe?) It does sound nice and very comfortable BUT not audiophile quality really (compared to say a Forsell transport)
I had a intensly modded DVD player with the buffer thingy and extra clock etc, it just dont cut it (compared to say a CEC transport)
I have yet to try the external clock and a USB DAC but I am getting less and less motivated by this findings...
I am really intrigued by the Wavelenght DACs mostly. I hear a lot of good things about them!
Anyone compared some of these in their own system?
i share most of jsadurni's confusion and would benefit from some good explanations. it would seem to justify a new thread.
The isochronous data transfer is basically a one-way packet sent from PC to DAC via USB. It is sent 1000 times per second, and does not have error correction. This is the basic USB audio that most of us use. If a packet has an error or gets dropped, then there is a glitch or pause in the output. No buffering of data. Think of it as sort of a pulsed S/PDIF stream. Any glitch is immediately heard in the output, no error corrections.

The output word clock from most of the USB chips on the market is derived from this 1000Hz packet rate. Some xtal in the PC sets this timing reference (can anyone say jitter?). The USB receiver then uses an asynchronous clock to catch the data. It is then re-clocked (from packets to continuous I2S or S/PDIF) using a new clock derived from a PLL based synthesizer that uses the 1ms packet rate as a reference. Both the USB clock and 1ms clocks impact the jitter performance. The onboard PLL does help to remove some of the reference jitter. Results can actually be pretty good.

The other USB mode commonly in use by pro-audio companies (Edirol, M-audio, etc.) is to create their own custom USB interface. This require special software drivers but allows them to run other data rates (24/96), multiple channels (more than stereo), error correction, or even clocking schemes where the receiver is master. It allows for a lot of potential performance.

Most of us use the PCM270x or PCM290x series of chips from TI. They are easy to use, and relatively plug-and-play with both XP and OS-X. Our products are limited to 16 bit 44.1k/48k resolution. At the moment. Someday I expect TI and the operating system folks to take this to the next level (I could be wrong).

That said, in my opinion, the isochronous USB audio isn't really inherently superior to S/PDIF. They both have issues. The both can have jitter. To me, neither is vastly superior over the other. In fact, they both can be implemented quite well. My solution to both is to perform the reclocking afterwards. That is, right at the converter output. This essentially compensates for most of the signal deterioration incurred in the data transmission between boxes.

To me, I find such jitter-reducing reclocking to make a big difference in the sonics. Everything becomes smoother and more relaxed. In a way, the music almost slows down. Any harshness or edge or agressiveness disappears. I guess the most noticable attribute is that long-term listening fatigue is eliminated. For me anyway, that's the way it is.
