eac vs itunes ripping

i am not clear on the reason for some itunes users taking the trouble to use eac to rip before apple lossless storage in itunes. i have failed to successfully implement eac for ripping after some frustrating attempts, and then began ripping into itunes directly. is there good evidence that itunes ripping with error correction is inferior?
By all reckoning, iTunes is pretty good. EAC is about as close to perfect as you can get, if used in secure mode. For audiophools bent on discerning the differences between maple and mahogany conical footers, EAC being marginally better than iTunes as a ripper is a no-brainer.

Seriously, the big difference is that EAC re-reads, compares, re-reads again until its satisfied that what is in the buffer is what is on the disk. Unknown what iTunes does, but since that is probably overkill for almost everyone, it probably does not do that.
If you use iTunes be sure you check "error correction when reading Audio CDs" I've got to believe that this is a similar, if perhaps less rigorous implementation of the same idea - works for me
Sounds like belt-and-suspenders to me. Apple Lossless is exactly that--lossless. I think John Atkinson at Stereophile confirmed that a while back (and I bet he used EAC to do it).