Do Macs support wndows media player 11

I plan on purchasing a mac but have spent much time ripping cd's to an external hard drive using wmp11. Is it worth the switch. I love having all my music at my fingertips.
My Mac is currently running Windows Media Player V9. Have no idea how this may differ from the Win version.

'fraid not:

Music stops for Mac Windows Media Player
By Ina Fried
Staff Writer, CNET
Published: January 12, 2006, 4:28 PM PST

Microsoft has officially halted development of its Windows Media Player for the Mac and plans no future Apple Computer versions of its music-playing software.

"We have no plans to provide future updates or product support for Windows Media Player for Mac," Adam Anderson, Microsoft public relations manager, said in an interview Thursday.

Version 9 is the last version available for the Mac, but perhaps there is software that can convert your files to FLAC or AppleLossless.

If so, I think you'll be very happy with the Mac. And really, do you think Bill Gates needs any more of your (or anyone else's) money??
What format was the music ripped? Mp3, wave..

Also try searching for mac or apple in the forums, you will find lots of threads on the subject.

Once you go mac you will never go back!
Flip4mac makes a WMV player for OS/X but the universal binary version is still in beta.