Quiet laptop recommendations

I'm going to set up a computer based system for my father who is used to PC. He wants a laptop and will only use it for audio.

My first requirement is that it's quiet.

Please give recommendations w/ reasons.

Just set the laptop for "Max Battery" power mode and it will dim the screen and drop the processor speed. Make sure it's an Intel Centrio not a Celron to minize power consumption. I always elevate my laptop with something under it so it doesn't heat up as much... two pencils, one of those laptop coolers.

Watch out the new Intel Macbooks run really really hot...
Some generic suggestions also: choose the slowest processor and the slowest hard drive available.. Particularly the processor will do wonders to the temperature. I would suggest the latest Intels at the lowest available clock speed! Use that with a hard drive that spins at 4200 or 5400rpm, but stay away from the fastest drives at 7200rpm or faster - they'll bring the heat up considerably (and noise as well).

Also, don't get a fancy specced notebook with a high tech graphics card in it. They too run at very high clock speeds and generate substantial heat. Hence, find yourself a notebook that's aimed at the business user, with as simple graphics as possible, a modern CPU at low clock speed. That'll work great! :)

A final simple tip is to run it on AC power and not on battery. Batteries get warm.. Pull it out and run on AC only. As has been suggested already too, use the most aggressive power scheme in the OS of choice, it'll bring down the CPU speed and such things, which conserves power. Less power means less heat = quiet. :)
If this is just for audio, you will want/need an external usb or pccard sound card rather than what comes with the laptop. In addition, the analog output from the laptop will be much quieter and more dynamic when the laptop runs on battery as opposed to AC. Another option is to run the optical digital out from the sound card to a DAC with your system. As for laptops, I use a HP with a Philips USB Dac for streaming internet radio (128k AAC) through Winamp, or for wirelessly accessing an iTunes library from a desktop server. As for fan noise, I think the cooler pad/ventilation suggestions below are excellent suggestions.
Also, I have heard that the AMD processors run cooler than the Intel, so you might want to check that out.

Good luck.