PC based system, questions and clarifications...

This is long, I apologize….Currently I own a SBv3 which is in my main listening room upstairs which is connected via Ethernet to my three computers in the basement. While I like the SB I do not like it’s interface and the sound quality is not as good as what I heard at the recent RMAF here in Denver (particularly JA’s demonstration of high res 24/88.2 verses 16/44.1 vs 128K mp3, a real eye opener as to the bad sound quality of mp3 material). So I want to set up a PC server based system for quality reasons and for ready access to my music. I have 800+ CD’s and it is to hard to access and find them. I have spent the better part of the last 4 days doing online research but still a few questions remain. Please bear with me as this thread may help others doing the same thing.

First the PC. Initially I read that an Apple based systems were far superior to an XP based system do to the kmixer problems, difficulty in setup, etc. The pluses were that one had much more software to choose from (I have used EAC for several years, properly configured). The Apple iBook G4 was a good choice according to some (thank you Wavelength) as it has no fan (very quiet) and all it takes it about 5 system changes to get it working properly to output to a USB DAC. The iBooks’s downside is limited software (I dislike iTunes as I have to use it with my iPod and I do not want this to be my primary interface). Now I see that a Vista (Home Premium version??) equipped notebook is now perhaps a better solution. Specifically why? And what system changes to Vista should be made to output a file to a USB DAC (eg., Benchmark DAC1 USB or Bel Canto e.One Dac 3)?

Ripping software: Which software for the Vista based PC or the Apple based PC is best for ripping CD’s? As I indicated above I have used EAC in the past. It’s downside is poor metadata. How is dbpoweramp for quality ripping (absolutely no errors will be tolerated period!)? dbpoweramp’s metadata is better (Gracenote, is the reason I presume). For the Apple based PC what is best? I am an Apple dumb as I have always used Intel, Microsoft based PC’s, even building them in the past, so any help from an Apple standpoint is appreciated. Also

DACs: I only want a DAC that employs a USB interface. That much I know for sure (to many jitter problems to overcome with other interfaces). I read that not all DAC’s do USB correctly. Which do and which do not and why? So far the ones under consideration are the Benchmark DAC1 USB, Bel Canto e.One Dac3 and the Wavelength Brick. The Bel Canto is on the high end of the price spectrum for me and I prefer not to go there if possible. Although JA at the RMAF was running his iBook G4 to a Metric Halo Mobile I/O ULN-2 (firewire converter, he said) then into a Bel Canto e.One Dac3 (review upcoming). It sounded fantastic!

Storage for ripped files: I want a 1TB unit. While RAID 5 would be nice it’s more expensive, so I may forgo that option. The unit must be absolutely silent as possible as it may reside in my listening room. I would like it to have an Ethernet, USB, and firewire. To much to ask?? For example the LaCie Ethernet Big Disk is only Ethernet and USB 2.0, however the LaCie Big Disk Extreme+ has Firewire and USB 2.0 but no Ethernet. I may just have the disk sit on the wired Ethernet network. I may decided to rip from my XP based PC’s in the office to the external HD in my listening room but use an iBook G4 as the interface in the listening room. Are LaCie disks quiet? Do they have fans? Are there better/other ones to consider?

That is all for now. Thanks in advance for your input.

The stock SB3 is not that great. It's good enough for casual listening or background music. Most people think that you can just replace the switching power supply with a linear power supply. The problem is that the power section inside the SB3 needs to be modified in order to get the full benefit. I've heard an SB3 with a standard Elpac linear power supply. It is a slight improvement over the stock unit. The modded Elpac is much better.

Apple front row is a simple interface and remote that lets you control your Mac from your listening chair. It's very similar to MS Windows Media center.

The reason I had to rip three times is that my first HD died. So, I re-ripped, but forgot to turn off copy protection, and could not access my collection from slimserver. So, deleted everything and started over for the third time. It takes me about a month to rip everything. My collection now resides on three 750GB drives: one in the machine and two backups. If you’re using lossless, then figure on about 4 CD per GB. So, 1TB will give you enough room for about 4000 CD's.

I have a few USB DACs around the house: MHTD Labs Paradisea Tube DAC, MHTD Constantine and a PS audio Digilink III. In addition, I've owned the Firestone FUBARII w/Supplier power supply and Perreaux SXD2 DAC. I've also auditioned the Bel Canto Dac3 in my office system. The Fubar was my first USB DAC and I liked it a lot. I picked up the Perreaux to replace it, but liked the Fuber better, so I sold it hear. The Paradisea gives up a little detail for smoothness over the Constantine; I prefer the Constantine. I use the Paradisea in my wife’s computer system which consists of a custom Sub with a three channel plate amp driving a small pair of Canton CD10's. Here source is a Gateway Vista laptop and playback is through Softsqueeze, which gives her access to my entire library. The Bel Canto was good, but I could not justify the price so I did not purchase one (borrowed from friend).

I vacillate between the Constantine and the PS audio DACS. Some days I like the PS audio, some days I prefer the Constantine. I guess it just depends on the mood I'm in. One final note, I use the coax digital in on both DACS. I prefer the sound of the coax digital over the USB input. This might be a function of the USB input or it could be my computer. I find that the USB input lacks a little PRAT. Gordon at Wavelength has developed a USB input receiver for his DACs that are suppose to eliminate this problem, but I've never heard any of this DACs.

While I've never tried any of these DACS in the big rig I have tried the SB in the office system. The modded SB is better than all the USB DACs. The problem I have with using the SB in the Office rig is that I occasionally play a game and you can't get Windows audio/game audio over the SB.

I'm not going to beat the SB drum anymore. It's your ears, your money and your decision. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide. Most modded equipment is a poor investment because of lower resale values.

I just wanted to give you a little background on myself. I've been involved in audio and the industry for over 25 years. I'm a frustrated musician: piano, acoustic guitar and flute. The flute was a requirement for 4th grade music class and I've stuck with it and taken professional lessons. Hey, it's easy to carry around. Every once in a while I take it out and do my Ian Anderson impression. I'm a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra and go to concerts about once or twice a month. I also attend any of the pre-concert lectures and I really enjoy the learning concerts. I have taken many courses on music and music appreciation. I have very acute hearing. I was legally blind for many years. Now here's that part that's going to get me in trouble. My hearing is so sensitive, that I can hear incandescent light bulbs oscillating. Fluorescents sound like a bees nest. My hearing is so sensitive that my wife says that I can hear her thinking. She's given up on trying to talk under her breath.
The SB3 display is a point of contention for many folks, including me. I have one because I use them with my products, but I much prefer the Sonos interface. The problem is that the Sonos has a much worse digital output. I solve this problem by reclocking both the SB3 and Sonos. Then they are identical sounding, and beat 99% of transports hands-down. I generaly prefer 24/96 upsampled and played using a USB interface, but with the Pace-Car, even 44.1 sounds incredible through the Sonos or SB3. Run the "demo" on sonos.com. Very cool product.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio

Have you looked into using the Nokia N770 or N800 with the SB? The Nokia is a lot smaller and thinner than the Sonos. Yes, I agree that once you start building up a collection, the diplay on the SB becomes a big drawback.
Prpixel - I'm aware that some are doing using the Nokia products. If I already have a Sonos, this is even better, and when I play music overnight, it is still playing in the morning, unlike the SB3.....

Steve N.


I don't have any problems with my SB. Recently I had it playing for 6 weeks straight while burning in a new pair of Martin Logan Vantages. It never skipped a beat, though my electric bill was about $100 more than usual.