Is this a reasonable Audiophile Mac-based Server?

Since I'm a visual person, I've tried to distill what I've learned about music servers and how I might create one. Any suggestions or comments you have would be appreciated.

Here is the link to the website with the picture:
Map of Mac-based Server

My goal is to produce the best sounding Music Server regardless of price.
... but if I were after the ultimate I would take both the wireless and the Toslink out of the design, wireless first.
I could run an ethernet cable from the Apple Xserve RAID directly to a Mac in my listening room. From the Mac I could use Toslink to connect to the Benchmark DAC1. But it would be a lot less convenient.
And are you SURE I would get better sound?
If so, why?

Wireless is prone to interference
What would that sound like?
My system has the Apple's newest version of an Airport Base Station, the "AirPort Extreme Base Station with Gigabit Ethernet" . Does that help?

This leaves you with a Squeezebox, Transporter or their new device the Duet at the end of the Ethernet cable
I don't understand what part of my system the Squeezbox replaces. Why is it better?

The cleanest set-up would be to hang a NAS on the Ethernet network thus taking the computer completely out of the equation except for ripping.
Forgive my ignorance, I'm not sure what you mean when you say "hang a NAS on the Ethernet network". Please explain.

I'm still a little confused why everyone insists on going wireless instead of getting a Mac Mini, a dac & a huge hard drive
That is certainly a simpler solution than the complexity that I have cooked up. But I was basing mine on existing equipment. And it does work, well.

However, I like what you are saying. Instead of using your plan and attaching a "huge hard drive" what if connected the Mac Mini via ethernet to my 5.6 TB RAID in the basement?
That should work. The only thing that I'm thinking now is that you'll want to have an internet connection available(usually via ethernet) to look up cd info and album artwork when ripping newly purchased cds. Do you have a vga jack on the back of your tv to use as a display?
Synthfreak (and others),
There seems to be many of you who feel that a wireless network just won't give the same level of performance that you can get from real wire.

To explore this option, I've assembled a "Plan B" and put it up on the website. You can view it by clicking here

I remain unconvinced that it will outperform the wireless system in plan A, but I am going to try some A:B comparisons once I get my other components (B&W speakers and Classe Monoblock amps) in a 6 or 7 weeks.

One problem with a wired system is : How can I control it from my listening chair?