Is this a reasonable Audiophile Mac-based Server?

Since I'm a visual person, I've tried to distill what I've learned about music servers and how I might create one. Any suggestions or comments you have would be appreciated.

Here is the link to the website with the picture:
Map of Mac-based Server

My goal is to produce the best sounding Music Server regardless of price.
Restock, maybe I missed it but I don't see where you used anything but a jittery optical out compared to the USB.

I agree it looks like there is an excess amount of jitter in the toslink output of the Airport Express, Mac Mini and Transporter (at least compared to USB). But that is why I recommend to Henry not to got the Airport Express or Macbook to toslink route. By the way, I don't see why your source (Airport Express) has any less Jitter, just that you have a very good anti-jitter circuit in the Altman Jisco.

In any case, I would recommend (to Henry) to get the USB version of Benchmark due its upgraded circuitry and added USB output compared to the Standard DAC1, try the wireless setup with AE and compare it to the USB version. Best to make up your own mind about this and trust your own ears. The differences are subtle to say the least., but since the goal is to assemble the"best sounding Music Server regardless of price" it would be best to keep options open.

As far as the wireless 802 network vs. ethernet work debate goes, dropouts are going to be unlikely with an all Mac setup. you only might run in trouble down the road for playing back high rez 24/96 files. There I really don't see that much of a difference soundwise for 16/44.1 file playback.
Regardless of what sounds better, wireless is not as reliable as wired connections. I have two wireless systems, one a Squeezebox and the other an Airport Express, they usually works flawlessly, but sometimes they just won't.
Onhwy61 makes the point elegantly and succinctly - the issue here is not capability but reliability...
Onhwy61 makes the point elegantly and succinctly - the issue here is not capability but reliability...

a reliable connection that sounds like crap is as worthless as a unreliable one that sounds great.

Unfortunately there are no definites here. I have been using a wireless connection in many scenarios with absolutely no reliability problems. Evidently some have had problems. At this point you have many opinions but the only way to know for sure is to try it. An Airport Express is only $100 and you can get most of that back on eBay if you find it doesn't meet your needs. That is the cheapest first stab at the problem.
I did a listening comparison with several of the methods listed here (see link below for conclusions)

I have ordered 9m of Canare coaxial cable which give me the following setup: Computer->USB->Hagerman->9m of cable->Tri-Vista as DAC. The Hagerman cost $119, the cable cost $102, and for $221 I think I'll get the best sound I can short of investing $1000+. I'll let you know what it sounds like once I get the cable to see if I'm right.