Convert MP3 file to WAV in Mac Mini

can some one show me how to convert mp3 file to wav or other format in Mac Mini?

Ag insider logo xs@2xhoustonreef
Try "max", I think it does the convert for that, however your data is reduced and gone...
Open iTunes, go to the 'Preferences' dialog box, click on 'Advanced', then the 'Burning' tab. Choose WAV as the format for disc burning. Close the Preferences box.

In your music library, select any mp3 file, or multiple files, and got to the 'Advanced' menu item at the top of the screen. You will see the option to convert your selections to WAV.

The key is to first choose the format you want the files in using the 'Burning' option in advanced preferences. Then the 'convert to' option under the Advanced menu item will always be the format you've chosen.

As 4est says, though, converting to WAV isn't going to create a better sounding file, just a much bigger one.
Sorry, I made a mistake. It's the 'Importing' tab where you choose WAV format, not the 'Burning' tab. My apologies for the confusion.
Why would you ever want to do that? Not only will it not create a "better" sounding file, as has been pointed out, it may actually sound worse. Essentially the software is having to make an educated guess at filling in all the blanks, as it were. It's kind of like trying to up-rez a low resolution jpeg off the Internet-it can be done but you'll likely be introducing all sorts of distortions. You can certainly go the other direction and convert WAV to MP3 but can't imagine any reason to do what you've asked.
Yes, it is possible to convert like Sfar describes- using "Convert to xxxx ..." but like Jax2 says: why would you?

the mp3 is an audio format which has removed data to make it smaller. converting it to another format WAV or AIFF or AAC or Apple lossless will not recover that data, how could it? the removed data (mp3) is gone gone gone.

best to set the desired format and re-import the music from CD or purchase higher quality online music.