Jump in now or wait?

Very close to purchasing a Benchmark DAC1 usb to use pc as sole source. Music is saved in apple lossless w/error correction in Itunes. Is it worth buying now (will need to buy new as these units seem to be rarely available used) or is the pace of technology changing/new products coming to market such that I should wait 6 months or so? Have to believe a number of fellow agoners are wrestling with this same issue.

Relatedly, is the DAC1 going to get me sonically where a nice CD player would (thinking of used Ayre CX-7e).

Thanks for any input.
Steve, I see what you are saying. Once it's pushed down the pipe no telling what can happen to it.

Tiger, while it would be nice to believe that Blu-Ray audio would be embraced, history tells us otherwise. SACD and DVD-A are effectively dead.. The average music buyer doesn't care about those so why would they convert to Blu-Ray? Pay per bit may dampen some internet services but I think that it will ultimately win the war and little plastic discs will go away.
Geronimo! Jumping off the cliff. Just ordered the Benchmark with the 30 day trial offer while stuck in traffic on the LIE. Appreciate all the responses. Will post thoughts after playing with it.
Dokosan-I'm in Holbrook. Ordered a bit of gear while parked on the LIE as well.

Enjoy the Benchmark! Go with a good power cable/line conditioner on that puppy.
Dokosan - change the fuses to 3 amp fast-blo while you're at it, (at your own risk).

Steve N.
I picked up a Benchmark DAC1 about 4 months ago. Couldn't be happier. Paired it with Accoustic Zen II IC's and a good power cord.