Long Coaxial audio run?

Would a 50ft. coaxial cable (Belden 1694) run from USB converter to DAC degrade the sound significantly?

Thank you for your consideration.
Thanks, I figured it was very similar to how an HDMI type device works, almost identical.. Quality will be built depending on the end device. So it makes sense that the quality will be in the USB dac itself doing its job more so than the device storing a file.

This is why I actually put that question out, which is why I can't see any advantage to going the route of a standard Coax digital or Optical cable connection converted at the music serving device in the first place, it seems to me it is much more sensible to put a little more money into a USB DAc these days, Eliminate a 300 dollar Coax digital cable for example and replace with a decent USB then just let a standard computer, or music server device do its job on its end and the DAC take on clocking it and allowing the DAC also the actual responsibility to make it sound good!

Seems to eliminate much of the guesswork in cabling, cost, and basically only one conversion done at the input of the USB Dac once data arrives.. I really don't see putting a cheap USB card on a computer that outputs the Digital coax etc.. at the main device, but of course I can understand people with really good old school DACS wanting to keep their old DAC and this is the only way to convert it price effectively.

Yes and No. In theory Yes. In practice sometimes NO - as the bursts required for USB operation may feedback through the power supply to make the DAC inside the USB device more jittery than an equivalent AES/EBU or Toslink setup. Unfortunately activities close to the DAC itself can affect jitter. It is the same problem in a CD transport...control signals to the servo motor may end up inducing jitter in the DAC clock.

Remember that Toslink and Digital coax have been around longer than USB and therefore DAC designers have had a bit more time to work out all the possible jitter issues and good ways to attenuate them. In that sense a USB communications protocol running off the same power supply might be an added "unknown".
Well then the solution would be a DAC with a USB interface powered off a separate power supply, or maybe a Battery powered supply for the USB charged off the main transformer tap to isolate it with the batteries, and don't batteries supposedly help eliminate jitter on their own anyway or do I have this backwards? Whatever bottom line is investing too heavily into digital at this point is more silly in my opinion cause you can get excellent results today out of many sources without too much money or work compared to 5 or 10 years ago I guess.

I think you are right on. I use five megachangers to feed a DAC for a total cost that is still way less than that of a high end player. The sound is probably 9/10ths as good but most important is that I get to hear my music instead of fighting with jewel cases and a filing system (now where is that CD?). When you have over a thousand CD's it is nice to be able to cue any one of them up at the push of a button for contiinuous play. So I am with you there and would not recommend going for an extremely expensive high end player. One day I will junk the tranports and connect the DAC straight to a PC where my music will eventually be stored - that, my friend, like it or not, is the future!
"Is USB effected by all this "Jitter" for example a laptop connected to a USB Dac with like a 15 foot USB Cable etcÂ…?"

Yes, and it depends on the DAC and it depends on the cable as to how much. Cables with small gauge silver conductors and air or teflon dielectric add less jitter. Less dielectric absorption and therefore less dispersion of the signal.

Steve N.