My First USB DAC Sounds Dull, Please Help

Greatings from Tanzania,

I finally jumped into the PC audio arena with the purchase of a Mhdt Paradisea+. However the PC/DAC combo came out very disappointing! The sound was dull and contrived. Even my wife gave it a thumb down.

This is my first try on a system with a tube stage, but don't think it should sound so lucking of high frequency signals. I switched between foobar and Windows MP11, tried a different laptop, and even connected the DAC direct to the Amp (by-passed the preamp), but to no avail.

The rest of my system is comprised of Martin Logan SL3, Bag-End Aragon 8008 BB, Aragon Aurum preamp, and Kimber cables.

I am I doing something wrong. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

I remain a believer of PC audio.
Have you checked to see what their return policy is if you can't resolve this? I am sure they would want your complete satisfaction.
I am a dealer and carry the Benchmark. Assuming you have a good DAC, for a PC you must also use a piece of software called an ASIO driver. This is the only way to bypass the operating system of the PC. You are now listening to the internal DAC of the PC and getting BAD sound because of that.
Hello Tanzania - I lived in Africa many years! I see you have an SS audio chain,
Try a Benchmark DAC1 - it is dynamic for sure. You might be brainwashed by
that dynamic SS sound. I know I am ! Benchmark is for those who crave power
dynamics and detail (even if it is felt to be overly detailed non-musical or non-
organic or whatever by many). Power! Power! Dynamics it does have. He gives a
cruel chuckle.

Obviously I am being a bit jovial - as there are plenty of awesome DAC's out
there but I can assure you that the DAC1 is more dynamic than most (just not
everyone's cup of tea)
I also have this DAC (non-USB version) and it is one of the better DAC's for the money. May sound better after some break-in time. Others have reported improved performance when connected to a "USB converter" such as the Trends UD-10, rather than directly via USB. Also, different tubes will affect the sound...detail, smoothness, etc.

Steve, this DAC uses one of the CM-1xx chips, which I believe are worse than the popular TI PCM270X chips. Don't recall which one maybe 108? The orginal Paradisea USB used the CM-102.
I almost purchased the DAC in question (paradisea+) and did very much research on it. I have read several threads on different sites and there are many happy campers using this DAC. In fact i haven't read anything negative anywhere about it. This being said i believe you have problems elsewhere and if not then you have a faulty DAC. I would look into what Mglik has suggested here. I know it took me awhile to get the PC sound i was looking for and the correct drivers installed. Also had to learn how to bypass the "Kmixer" etc. This information can be found in these forums. good luck

By the way, i am using JRiver MJ12(free) and it is fantastic. I found this to be far superior sounding then the WMP9 i was using prior. Lots of positive feedback on that program as well.