Apple versus PC

Any opinions on sound quality from those that have tried both?

I just switched from a Dell Laptop PC (with a 750gig external HD) to an IMAC 20 and am more than happy with the functionality/sound. Just a bit more resolve both in the HF and low end response (not enough to justify a switch, but my laptop was on it's last leg as an everyday computer).

Setup before was running FLAC through Foobar from the laptop via usb into a Dac1 (then on to an MF A5 integrated). Now simply running apple lossless via usb into the same setup. I-tunes functionality with the IR remote has the PC beat all to hell and I don't have a mess of cabling hanging off my computer now.
Come on Drubin, get your OS nomenclature correct, otherwise NONE of us are going to get anything useful from this thread. :)
I smell the sarcasm but my point is that if someone is going to dish out info and address people in such a way that it infers that you really know what you're talking about("a short note to the community") then that info should be correct. If I'm clueless and I'm trying to decide between a Mac and a PC and I read this thread then go to a store asking about "the Mac" when I should be asking about "OS X" then I'd look like an even bigger idiot.
Steve N - how do you unmap KMIXER or use kernal streaming? I see these recommendations discussed but have not found explicit directions on how to do either of these or what side effects doing either of these may have. I am using XP with iTunes 8 using an optical output to an external DAC. I know there is a lot of dicussion out there on this, so a reference would be fine. Also, I am using just one audio stream and have volume set to max, which I understand bypasses kmixer. Is that correct? If so, is there any reason to unmap kmixer or use kernal streaming? Thanks.