Adding a Squeezebox - Upgrading Path?

I am thinking of getting a Squeezebox for my source, cd's are being ripped to Apple Lossless. Would hooking this Squeezebox up to my used Theta Pro Progency DAC make a difference or is this technology surpassed by the stand alone Squeezebox

This is for a small living room system that I am slowly upgrading. Currently it is older Paradigm Titan Monitor speakers, powered by a 10 year old Onkyo receiver and fed by an Onkyo 6 disc changer which has an outboard DAC Theta Pro Progency that we picked up (used) several years ago.

Main system is Vandersteen 2ceSignatures, Classe CAP 151 integrated amp and Classe 1.5 cd player. Vandersteens are too big for the living room.
Can the paradigms handle some major upgrading or should I be looking at speakers as well? We have been listening to Dali Ikon 6's and we're also fond of Totems. Major issue here is that the speaker needs to be quite close to the wall in this room...pulling the Titans another 6 inches from the wall,now they are about 8" from the wall has actually been helpful.

Have been away from reading all the audio mags for a few years and am amazed by the changes such as pc audio........ah yes, the audio bug has bitten again!
Thanks for any and all suggestions..
I have a Squeezebox that I use with an external DAC (Lavry DA-10) and find that a wonderful combination.

The DAC that is built-in to the Squeezebox is good (especially for the money) but easily improved on. The Squeezebox is very receptive to an external DAC. I don't know anything about your Theta Pro but if you like it now, you should like it with a Squeezebox. If, perchance, you happen to prefer the SB's internal DAC, then all the better. You have a DAC you can sell to recoup some money.

I don't have an opinion on the speakers you're suggesting as I'm not familiar enough with either them or your preferences.
Thanks for your comments Mlsstl, appreciate that.
No one else has any thoughts on this for me??
I do not have a Squeezebox myself so I cannot give specific information. However, there are many threads that you should be able to find in the archives on computer based audio generally and the Squeezebox in particular. I follow these as I too am learning about computer based audio.

Here is another site that is useful to learn about such things.
I run my Squeezebox through my Audio Logic DAC with great success. I did add a power supply to the SB upgraded by Bolder Audio. The upgraded power supply makes a noticeable, thought not significant addition.
Squeezebox is the best 'bang for the dollar' when using an external DAC. Careful, when you access the favorite's internet live feeds, such as RadioParadise, you might even be spending a bit less time in iTunes from your computer.

Go for it.