EMM Labs DAC 2 presentation

Hi All:

I'm using the highly respected Emm Labs DAC 2 in my PC Audio set up. In spite of USB cables, tweaking of the FUBAR settings etc, I find the sound dry and mechanical. I'm asking for suggestions on a warmer, more lush sounding DAC as my primary source of listening is vinyl. Perhaps something that employs tubes in its design. Maybe Audio Research, Wavelength?
The DAC only version of the MPS-5 is called the MPD-5, and I believe it has been released. Here is a link to the product on the Playback Designs web site:


I'm not sure about the pricing.
the MPD-5 is $7500 intro price ($1100 retail) per Jtinn. kinda out of my price range, but i have an inquisitive nature.
Perhaps an old thread.
I have been using Weiss Minerva with Firewire interface for PC audio.
I also have an EMM SE combo (not latest - no USB).
I keep the EMM combo for SACD replay but never go back to it for CD or (obviously) HiRes playback. The Minerva is very reasonably priced. It is stable and I love the flexibility of different input and output interfaces.
MOST IMPORTANT - MPD-5 only gives you 48k sample rate on USB. High sample rates have to come through AES/XLR. Minerva can take HiRes through Firewire and interface out through AES XLR.
The sound is not a clinical/fast as EMM combo. Different, but just as good and, IMO, easier on the ear for long sessions of musical listening.
Don't spend your money on a new DAC. You absolutely need a better way to get your audio out of the PC into the Emm Labs DAC. The USB input on that DAC is the worst connection you could possibly use out of your options. You aren't giving your DAC 2 a fair chance to showcase its qualities by any means. You need a SPDIF or AES connection with an Empirical Audio Pace-Car, Off-Ramp 3, or the Lynx AES16e which would provide much better lower jitter sources. The only DAC's I would even consider using with their USB inputs are the Wavelength Cosecant and Empirical Overdrive which use Asychnronous mode via USB all other USB chipsets use Adaptive which is bad for audio period. No other DACs have this feature because it is extremely new technology.