MacMini USB ports which is better?


I have been A/B-ing the audio qualities of three of the four USB ports at the back of the MacMinis I own and use for music. All of them are MMINI 2.0 2X512/120/SD/AP/.

Facing the back of the Mac and looking directly at the USB ports, the one on the far right (the first outside one) seems to sound most musical to me.

The next runner up seems to be the third in from the outside edge. (I can not use the 4th because the head of the USB cable is so large it interferes with the monitor cable.)

Any experience with this? It might all be just illusion...

:) listening,

Hey Istanbulu.
Facing the back of the Mac and looking directly at the USB ports, the one on the far right (the first outside one) seems to sound most musical to me.
You are correct! Also, for what it's worth, on a Macbook the best sounding port is the furthest right as you're facing port side of the laptop.


Ah...I don't know why anyone would do this but just in case:

If you use your Mini turned upside down, it's the port to the outside Left. If you use your Macbook upside down you're probably having more problems than trying to figure out which port sounds best but it would then be port side left.

Just trying to be thorough.

