Airtunes dropouts with Mac mini to Airport Express

I just got my Mac mini (2 GHz)hooked up to the airport express (wireless N version). I am having audio dropouts every few minutes - very annoying. Anybody have same problems? How do you guys fix this?

Right now I have the Airport Ex configured to join my network. The wireless router is b/g/n version. The airport in one room below the mac mini.

Yes. Have had the problem of dropouts. Cause? who knows. neighbors phones, microwaves, time transporter ?.....

Sometimes "Use Interference Robustness" in wireless preferences helps. Sometimes.

I stopped using the AE for my main system, went to a long cable. I know that is not practical for everyone. Still use the AE for background music setups and live with the drops.

good luck
I had the same problem with a Linksys router. It was around Christmas time. Turns out the "router" is preset... I think... to operate on Channel 1. However, it will do as well on Channel 7.

I searched online and one guy explained that when many people all of a sudden operate on a common channel (new routers, Christmas gifts) dropouts happen.

Maybe this is happening to you. Do you live in an apartment building or an area with many routers? If it is a Linksys router, put the serial number in your browser address box and change to a different channel... try 7.

After I made the change, no more problems. BTW it was operating flawlessly up until it started dropping out (good 6 months).

Hope this helps.
I had a similar problem with my MacBook to Squeezebox. Originally had the router WiFi mode set to 11b/g/n, reset it to 11b/g and everything was fine.

"I stopped using the AE for my main system, went to a long cable. I know that is not practical for everyone. Still use the AE for background music setups and live with the drops."

Is the long cable you use USB, mini-jack, or ethernet? I am thinking of bypassing the wireless headache. If I use a long USB or mini-jack cable from the Mac Mini to the DAC in the room below (not using airport express at all) then I will have no sound on the Mac mini when I use it for other stuffs and itunes at the same time. Ethernet cable down to the airport express may be the other way (dont know if this will work with airtunes).

This PC audio is a headache!
With all these report of dropouts, how do you get a stabel system? Connect the Mac directly to the DAC (long cable to other room) using USB or mini-jack, or connect long ethernet cable from Mac to airport express?

Moving the Mac into the listening room is not a great idea since I dont have a minitor there so maintenance the itune library/sytem would be a nightmare.