Mac to DAC thats comparable to Linn CDP?

I have tried a few and they sound like crap compared to my old Linn Genki.

My wife has asked to set up a music server to get all the CDs out of the dining room.

I have a Dell Mini running OSX and itunes, USB out and also an external USB to SPDIF converter.

This is connected to a Linn Kolector and Aktiv bi-amped Ninkas with a 10" Sizmik subwoofer.

Compared to a CD in the Genki using lossless Apple format, the (inexpensive) USB DACs I have tried have a tiny sound stage, the bass is all fuzzy and the treble sounds like glass breaking inside my ear.

I searched up all these posts where people say this or that DAC sounds good with the computer, but do they mean 'good for a computer'?

My question is, can I get acceptable sound out of the computer or is this a lost cause? If I can get decent sound this way, what is my wallet looking at, and how can I figure out how to pick a DAC from the hundreds that are available.

Tried a Behringer DAC I borrowed from a coworker, and more expensive one he bought (about $100) which I don't recall the brand, and the DAC in the Blue Circle Thingee which is the USB to SPDIF convertor I mentioned. That's apparently some garden variety chip.

I wasn't expecting any of these to sound like my CD player, but I expected something tolerable, and cheap, for streaming. I sort of expected that advances in electronics would have eclipsed my CD player even at cheaper prices.

I've also considered that maybe I am just used to the flaws in my Linn system and a different sound is jarring. All this streaming music sounds fine on the $200 computer speakers.

So if I can't get away with a cheap solution, it had better be good, or the CD's stay in the dining room! :) thanks,

I replaced a 10,000.00 dollar Ayre CD player with a 600.00 dollar MHDT paradisea USB DAC, so yeah I'd say it can be done.

Assuming you are playing back lossless files. I don't know streaming music may be low quality and lower quality MP3s sound really bad to me, even on my ipod or in my car. I'd never go back to CDs one at a time uhhgg.
I had a Lector MK3 CDP and went with a Mac Mini/ RWA Isabella with Dac. The Mac setup clearly is a better sounding system next to the Lector.