Ripping to Mac OSX

I have good ears, but no real computer knowledge. I've just purchased a Mac Mini with Snow Leopard, running it via USB (for now) into a PS Audio PWD.

I don't have a huge collection, so at this point, I've just decided to save into WAV format using Itunes.


Is there a sonic reason to use another program other than Itunes to rip normal redbook CDs?

On non hirez, is there a reason to use a player other than Itunes for sound quality reasons?

I very much enjoy reading the posts on this thread. I've learned much, though quite a bit of the info shared is over my head!

I have a MAC Mini and I really like it, but I haven't really dived into using it as a music server yet. However, I have several friends who use a MAC Mini as a music server using iTunes and a high-end USB DAC. These are some of the absolute best sounding digital rigs I've heard, however they all are using expensive DACs, Cables, etc. and their other components are top notch.

The MAC Mini running iTunes and using AIFF file format with error correction turned on seems to be the ripping choice for all of my friend. They have very highly resolving systems and don't see any need to use anything other than AIFF (and always turn on error correction regardless of format you choose).

I would suggest you try ripping a familiar recording to AIFF, then WAV to see if you hear a difference. If no difference, pick whichever you want.


Don't use WAV - you will lose album info...

I'd use AIFF or Apple Lossless.

Check Benchmark DAC1 wiki guide for iTunes setup (settings for bit transparent playback) and keep checking regularly in case a big crops up with a new iTunes version (you'll get automatic updates every month or so but sometimes a new version introduces an error)

If you turn error correction on then iTunes is apparently bit transparent when it burns your lossless files.
For may years I have read of the Flac format but never given it a try until recently. The programs I use are freeware and very easy to use. The ripping program is “MAX” and the playback program is Cog.

The Flac ripped music is not as easy to access but to me and my ears it sounds better.

Itunes is easy to learn and use. MAX and Cog are not as easy but through trial and error I was able to dial them in quick. I have another challenge now, ripping vinyl to flac to mac.