Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Jeb, when you get time, post us a review here of the sound of the kraken power cord, I do hear alot of good things about this great power cord, congrats to you, I cannot afford a power cord like that, awsome!
Hi Everybody!

I'm back! After several personal problems, i have now more time to discuss with you folks!

I just sold my Taralabs Omega Edge speaker cable to a fellow Taiwanese guy! I hope it will fit his system.
Why did i sell this SC you may ask yourselves?! Well, even if there is a beauty in this cable and plenty of bass, i was not happy with the highs. I think in many system is enough but on my Usher Audio DMD tweeters, the lack of air is clearly missed. Even my Analysis plus big silver oval do better.
Recently i made a disturbing experience. I tried a interconnect that changed my way of thinking about expensive cables : the Grimm Audio TPR (10$ a meter!!!!).
I bought 2 meters, a pair of Neutrik RCA connectors and weld everything all together... OH MY GOD!!!!
The level of detail, depth, wideness, sharpness and emotion was incredible!!!!!
So i began to seek for an explanation and i found the website of mister roger sanders. He explained me the filter role of a cable (great guy by the way!) and if you want the best cable in the world, you should seek for the lowest inductance, resistance and capacitance. In fact, if all those measures are no value at all, it's like no cable at all!
It doesn't mean that you will like the result cause as a filter, a specific cable will equalize the flaws of the electronics. If there is no flaws in your system, the flattest value cable will be the best.
So now i test low capacitance, inductance and resistance cable, starting with the QED silver spiral reference (cheap so not risky..). And Roger is right!!! my system reveal his flaws and his qualities more sharply with that king of cable!
I'll try the Skogrand SC Air soon because of even lower value than the QED...and on Friday, i'll receive a power amp from Roger Sanders because his design is direct power to avoid clipping and everything that shouldn't be in electronic design. You should read his white papers! REALLY MIND BLOWING!

I still keep my Onyx power cable. After several weeks now, it sounds deep and crisp as i guess it should sound. But i'll seek for low value power cable as well to test...
OK, the Tara PC's added a bass bump, in the treble department,added way too much information, causing listening
fatigue. Which my system never had before. We moved the Tara cords around started with my Pass Labs XP 25 phono, then to my Ayre KXR pre, last to my Audio Aero CD/Dac player. I then inserted ONE Kraken PC on my line stage. WoW!!! Smooth,natural musical tones, very easy to listen to, with tons of detail , great attack, and decay. We then moved the Kraken over to my phono stage. Same results. The only problem with the Kraken PC in your system , you hear the short comings of your other power cords. My other power cords were, Revelation Audio Precepts. Not a bad cord for the money. Still using one on my Cd Player. So I ended up with 4 Kraken PC's... One on my line stage,other on phono stage,last two on my SS power amps. Power amps never sounded better!!!
Hi Jeb, Yes, The cobalt in some systems has a bass bump for sure, one of the most organic, natural,Rich sounding power cords I know of, My system certainly does not need anymore bass!, The system had very good bass slam and Depth to the begin with, I will see how the cobalt works out, It's on my digital player,I may end up with the same problem you had, How many hours did you have on the cobalt you listened to on your system?, BTW, great review of the Stage -3 concepts kraken power cord, If you can, make sure you audition the Tara labs Evolution Grandmaster power cord, I am told it is quite different than previous power cords from Tara Labs, Thanks Jeb.
Iblieve, The Tara labs onyx and Zero gold are discontinued now, replaced by two cables that are the forefront of cable technology, The new top cable is called, The Elolution Grandmaster, The second from the flagship is called, The Evolution Zero I/C and matching speaker cable, The Evolution Omega speaker cables, redesigned from the ground up!, go to the Tara site, click on products, go to extended band-width cables, go to page 2, there you will be astounded with the info on the two premier cables of the world-wide market place, cheers.