Novice needs Mac Mini and DAC advice

Stereo Boys, I really really need some advice. In the past 18 months, I've loaded all in on this hobby and in that short time span have gone from birth to a full blown, fairly high end system and now I'm integrating a Mac Mini server into the mix. My mind is blown with too much information and I'm losing it over which DAC will give me the best bang with a budget anywhere from $800 to $4000. I'm told that the Ayre and Wavelength don't really outperform the lower cost DACs by a huge margin. I need a shot of the truth. And I'm looking for plug and play. I'm not that conversant with all the technical science involved in all of this. I just want a clean, high res sound. Please help!!

I forgot to mention, if you still live in the Seattle area you are welcome to listen to my mac mini going into my M2Tech Hiface USB/SPDIF converter and then into my Dac. I don't have the Metrum Octave yet but it should be here any day.

Take Care,


Congrats on purchasing the Octave. It's probably the greatest value product I've owned through the years. I tried the M2Tech but ultimately returned it. I'm currently using the Audiophilleo 2 with the Metrum.
Gregfisk (Greg)
Thanks for the response. I'm taking off on my kid's Spring Break but certainly might take you up on the offer after returning to the area on the 14th. I'm actually in Sammamish -

Devilboy, thank's for the positive input, I'm really looking forward to trying it in my system. I really like the magic tonal qualities of the Havana but it lacks some detail on involved music. I like the Evo but will get the stack with the outboard clock and power supply as that is what I understand makes the Evo a first class product.

Bob, you are welcome to come by and I will have the Octave by then. I wouldn't wait if you want the deal on the Octave as my understanding a couple of weeks ago is that they only had 20 left. You have to order direct from the Netherlands to get the low price.

Enjoy your spring break trip.

Hi Devilboy.

I noticed you run a Mac Mini into an Audiophilleo, into a Metrum Octave. Are you using Audionirvana+ in Integer Mode? I have an Octave and plan on getting an Audiophilleo, and have been reading about Integer Mode in A+. It is my understanding in such setup the AP is the one that needs to be able to run in Integer Mode (which the AP does), but the Octave doesn't need to be. Am I right?