Any ideas regarding Diagonal room set up?

For WAF reasons, I've placed our TV screen to face diagonally out of a corner of our 20' x 22' room with our sofa sitting about 9 feet away from the TV. Our speakers are on either side of the TV, spread about 6 feet apart. They are a foot out from the walls and can either be toed-in to aim at the center of the sofa or aimed straight ahead. I'm sure these angles totally disrupt all the experts' theories about reflected sound. But imaging is decent and bass is neither boomy nor lean. I'm sure many have tried this "diamond configuration" - but I saw no prior threads. Who has experienced this diagonal type of room setup? With what pros & cons? Any ideas for best 2-channel sound with music? Please don't tell me to get a different room or a divorce. Thanks!
Hi Terry, If you take a look at the "DECWARE" website there is a full article about this very thing. Just hit the papers link on the home page and all of the articles will come up, very interesting read.
Good Luck, Tish
Thanks Tish, for recommending the DECWARE article. This is exactly what I was looking for! If I'm reading Steve Deckart correctly, he's saying that for some audiophiles, this room set-up is a tweak that can be far more important than cables, wires and room treatments, with little or no downside and he gives the reasons why in understandable language. (The whole DECWARE site is full of interesting articles, white papers and compelling products. Highly recommended.) Question for Seikosha: You said this tweak is "a commonly recommended solution". Can you point me to any such discussions online? Many thanks.
Hi Terrysimmons,

In addition to the Decware discussion which is very good, here are a couple of Audiogon links where the concept has been discussed:

If you do a Google search on Diagonal Speaker Setup or Diagonal Speaker Placement, you'll get more information and links that probably wouldn't be appropriate to post here.

I've had luck using the diagonal setup myself and it can greatly improve a troublesome room.
I just did an Agon search and found some more....

Hope that helps...
Seikosha - Your search skills are clearly much better than mine. Thanks for the education. This helps a lot. Bottom line, it's good to know there is nothing inherently wrong with this room set-up. I've been thinking about upgrading my system but didn't want to start if it had built-in limitations. Back to the music. Many thanks.