
I heard that asynchronous usb converter is the route to go??
I tried in my system 3 configuration:
Stello U3 +aqvox power supply
bel canto Ulink +aqvox power supply
Bel canto usb link 2496+aqvox power supply+Dip classic
I enjoyed the last configuration more than the two asynchronous.
Something wrong with my ears? or the jitter created in asynchronous device is embedded in the signal and the Dac can't do nothing for reclocking
Alfe - you may think that the heart of the digital system is the DAC, but it isn't. It IS the interface that contains the master clock. That can be a built-in USB interface, external USB interface or a device and reclocker.

The problem is that most USB DACs have poor implementations of USB interfaces. The fact that the power and ground of the DAC USB interface shares these resources with other DAC circuitry is bad. This is what makes an external USB converter with a good power supply far superior to the majority of built-in USB interfaces. Just read the reviews. Most of them say that the S/PDIF input performs better than the USB interface.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve, I had a blind test in studio today between two set up
M2tech evo stack +burmester DAC 113
direct USB to burmester DAC 113
the source was Mac mini using audirvana
the result was that good quality DAC don't need interface!

But I still believe that for low cost system and badly implemented DACs an interface is the solution.
Alfe - you may need a better converter to beat the USB interface in that DAC. They do exist.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Based on the shootouts the best converters are:

1) Off- Ramp 5
2) Diverter HR
3) Berkeley Audio

Steve N.
Empirical Audio