Audiophiles... Why Men? Any woman here?

Women equally appriciate and enjoy music as man,

but Why 99.99% of the auudiophiles are men?

because it's involved with intimitating equipments?
Much too expensive. They would have to change components every season. Wait a minute we do that too. Never mind.
How do we expect from women to bring in and out the house 100lbs amps and 250lbs speakers and that's the normal ,some gear weight way more than that.If they could that that then they sure could slap us silly every time we raised/voiced our non appreciative opinion.No thanks I like it this way better.LOL.
Wc65mustang, You kill me... Hey, where is Judy426 when you need her?! I would think that anything to do with Higher Fidelity would catch their ears, even at this great expense.
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All my friends enjoy music.
They all have 'well under $500 total' setups.
I am the only female I know personally who goes for the better electronics.
The stuff is just all "toys" once you get past a few hundred dollars in electronics.
For one friend I have found at thrift shops:
Marantz 2270... $35
old JBL speakers... $20
NAD CD... $6
Dual TT... $8
This setup is great for her needs.
Most musicians do not go for "audiophile" gear. They can listen to the music right through the crappyist system and hear the tunes just fine.
Audiophiles are just anal-retentive types. Audiophillia is just thier chosen perfectionist sport.
(Personally I got in young by accident... then dropped it all for a long time... then about 20 years ago decided to go for it some more. I have only a modest system, and usually change stuff only when it needs replacing.)