Drying sand in the oven- anyone try it?

Hi gents & ladies,

I'm going to use monitors in my home office, got some really nice four-pillar Focus stands to sit the speakers on. I want to fill the pillars with sand, but want to make sure the sand is completely dry before I fill'em up. Why not use the oven? Heat it up and let the sand bake for a while. Have you done this? What temp? For how long? Thanks, Jeff
I've found that filling my stands is as much for sound quality as non "tipping" security for the monitors. While I've had success with sand in my stands, I'm much more secure with fine steel shot in my stands (as Jsd52756 recommended above). It's dry, much more dense than sand, non toxic, pours like a dream and inexpensive. The toughest part is locating a supplier. I've found it to be the perfect fill. My monitors weigh 56 pounds each, sitting on top of 24" stands, I was worried as hell about tipping over. With steel shot in my stands, they are very secure, and the stands are dead quiet. Just a thought.
a contractor builders supply where they sell silica sand is already dried and bagged..
To use an oven to dry the sand, use the self cleaning feature of the oven. That will ensure that any biological or HCs contained in the sand are effectively burned off. The oven is not hermetically sealed, BTW, so the moisture and burned off gases do go to atmosphere - one can see the smoke!
Bob P.
Make sure to remove cat and/or dog crap first. And stay away from the yellow sand.
this is a weird thread. we dry sand in our lab at work so it can be tested. my recommendation would be first DO NOT dry sand in your kitchen oven unless you want your wife to divorce you or have you declared an idiot. buy dry silica sand as others have mentioned. if you must dry it, do it in a pan outside on a camp stove or gas grill. stir it and it will be dry in about 10 minutes or the time it takes to drink one to two full beers. personally, i recommend the lead shot route using the finer shot, and don't worry about contamination unless you ingest it or grind it and snort it. ok, some have said to rinse it off - if it makes you feel better. oh, and there are disposal issues when you are done with it.