Doug Henning disappearing act

I've been receiving quite a few offers on gear I'm selling, only to have the would-be buyers disappear when I agree to their terms, and within 5 minutes of receiving their offers! Based upon my discussions with other sellers, this is not uncommon. Please consider whether or not you are willing to commit to the purchase PRIOR to making an offer. The integrity of this community depends upon it. Thank you.
Perhaps its best for those who are left with the virtual empty bag to start commenting via Audiogon feedback when a serious offer has been made and there is no valid reason given for the change of mind.

That's a great idea, except that the Audiogon feedback system requires the receiving party to approve or disapprove submitted feedback, and who is going to approve negative feedback?
This same thing happened to me about 5 weeks ago then I started a thread here about a month ago " Recieving annoying Emails when selling"
I was blasted by a couple members for some of my comments but they were helpful because I did learn something..

1. "obo" opens the door for trouble and potential endless questions and lowball offers.

2. A history of the item helps the potential buyer make a decision and reduces amount of email questions.

3. The condition of the unit should be described in detail.

4. If you don't have at least one good picture ( not a fuzzy blurr ) , it's like asking the "potential buyer" to buy blindly and you may have several requests to send pics.

5. When the buyer seems serious, most the time I give them a phone number where they can contact me.

6. A link provided with full specs. and/or a good review of the item is also helpful. It reduces the amount of trigger happy shoppers who may find from the review that the item won't meet their needs after all.

7. The hassles of calculating shipping costs to several potential buyers is totaly eliminated by a simple phrase,
" Free shipping". Add that cost into your price.

8. Last but not least if you want a certain price for the item clearly state " FIRM " in the add.

Most of you folks already know this stuff but maybe this may help someone.

I admit that I backed out on a deal about a year ago when I found out more specifications about the item. I shouldn't have jumped the gun. It's possible that if all the info above was included in the add I wouldn't have offered to buy in the first place.

Have a good Thanksgiving!

Hey Tvad - what's your best price for the cup-n-balls? Would you be willing to ship them to Nigeria? Can I send you a check for $4,000.00 over the price your asking, as that's a frequent mistake I make in my online transactions, and I'm sure ours will be no exception. You can just return the $4K balance to a PO Box in the Dominican Republic. Deal? Let me know and I'll get that Nigerian money order right out to you! Remind me to tell you about the killer investment opportunities here in Nigeria too! I can hook you up with some top notch penis-patches if you're having some insecurities down there. How bout some blue pills to get it up and keep it there all night? Maybe we could swing a trade for the cup-n-balls you've got? I'll still send the $4k check fact, it's already in the mail!

Marco, I've heard wonderful things about the storied Nigerian Penis Patches. Prolific problems, though, finding qualified penis pickers to harvest the ripe tubers.

Cups-N-Balls are bountiful in We-Ho, though they can disappear without warning. You can pick up a trio for lots less than $4000. To help, I'd be willing to trade a nice package of Cups-N-Balls for a bushel of Penis Patch pickings.

Let me know.

Your Pal in Nigeriana,
You are well-informed on the Nigerian Penis Patches, Grant. Recent penis picking problems have been largely exaggerated though, and harvesting season is upon us, as no doubt you are aware. It's a bumper crop, with the firm, ripe Nigerian fruit of the loins surpassing heretofore unparralelled size expectations. Though your offer for the disappearing cup-n-balls may appear appealing on the surface, well, one in hand is, in this case, not worth two, or even three in the bush, as it appears you are offering. I'll stick with the money order payment and you can hang onto your balls in your cup for someone else to snatch up. I'm certain you are not without other offers at this point.
