Animal damage to system

After a hard day of work all I wanted to do was relax and watch a movie. I was 2 seconds into the movie and the protection circuit of the receiver activated. Come to find out that the cat had chewed all 3 of the front speaker cables, 1 phone line and 2 coax cables. What kind of damage have you experienced with animals and your system?
Had a Rabbit once that my PETA loving ex wouldn't allow me to cage. Besides pellets andf piss all over the house, it liked to chew on any wire it could find. Years later I still find insulation stripped from one cord or another. Furtunately no fires yet.
In the end, the cats got tired of his BS and killed him. I was "very sorry" to find him dead in the corner one day.
Oh, did I forget to mention? A hunter friend of mine tells me that it is possible to buy large animal urine (coyote/wolf) from some hunting stores, although I'm not sure if it's synthetic or real. Apparently a drop here and there will keep away all but the bravest pets. Just think of the fun -a cat thinking it lives with a wolf....
Back in an earlier life I had 4 stacked Advents. My cat at the time, Tony, thought the grillcovers made great scratching posts. One time I absent mindedly left the the covers off and he decided the woofers felt pretty good on his claws. Those woofers had weak foam surrounds anyway. When I turned the stereo on the woofers broke free. Didn't sound too good. My present cats have never shown any interest whatever in destroying my stuff.
I would only recommend using the coyote urine if your system is outside. The stuff smells horrible and one drop goes a long way.
If you ever face such problem and animals are creating trouble for you the Best idea is call the Pest control Exterminator.
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