Extremely budget minded system for under $500.00 ?

I am helping a friend look for a system to start in. Any suggestions for a $500.00 limit budget? Speakers, receiver and cd player, or all in one unit. I know that for most of us the ultimate is something we srive for (and the cost sometimes exceeds our initial expectations) but this is a serious question and may I add, a challenging one. The $500.00 is maybe even pushing it. I would appreciate some help on this one. Thanks
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Toshiba or Sony entry level DVD player (unbeatable for $50-$60), Infinity Primus 150 bookshelfs and a Cambridge 340A integrated.

I've recommended that system to several friends and almost turned one into an audiophile with it. Stick with basic cables, if your friend shows interest add cables and power conditioning...then bring over your best music to enjoy it!
Hmmm, anybody want to ponder the logic of hooking up a $50 DVD player with a $40 cable?
Start with Swans M200 powered speakers (http://www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/equipment/1101/swanm200.htm).

Spend the rest on the source. Traditionally, a competent CD/Universal player. Alternatively, an iPod or a "digital media receiver" (e.g. Roku Soundbridge, Squeezebox).

P.S. The Swans are not good if you like to play it very loud. Otherwise, a shortcut to quality sound.
"Hmmm, anybody want to ponder the logic of hooking up a $50 DVD player with a $40 cable?"

I think your just joking? A good sounding cable makes good sense always on any component that sounds good. A poor sounding cable makes no sense on a good sounding component.
Pretty simple. The fact that a DVD/CD player only costs $50 and sounds good as a wonderful treat! Now enjoy that treat as you should with a good cable. Put a poor cable on it and spoil the treat. If you can find a $5 IC that sounds as good as the Audio Art $39 IC, then buy it! You won't however.

Grannyring -- a small point: the cable doesn't "sound". By linking components, it makes THESE "sound" one way or another.
The same cable. As you know, it can often sound one way with one system & another way with another system.

You know the drill: output stage, wire, connector, plug, wire, plug, connector, input stage. Impedance, capacitance, contact material, resistance, wire material, diametre, stray noise & fields, you name it... all these act as variables.

One of the selling points of "expensive" cables is to try to limit these effects and sound more or less similar fm one system to another...