Is live reproduction the goal of audio?

Is the ultimate direction of electronics to reproduce the original performance as though it were live?
Hmmmmm..... as I read through this thread,why is it that I keep getting visions of the old RCA Victor add where the dog is listening to an old Grammophone with the tilted head

"His master's own voice"

Why do instruments have little knobs and levers? I mean why do we constantly need to tune them. How many reasons and variables are there? How does an engineer "voice" his tool in some other venue?????? and expect it to perform it your venue with you not adjusting it.?? It is fixed in his time and space and energy ! But he went to school and has golden ears and ....You buy into it .
I don't know but I'll tell you that the VR11's that lakefrontroad has will come pretty darn close to live (maybe as close as you're gonna get).

Anyway, it's really silly to argue or get a little brawl going over such a vague and personal thing as goals in audio.

I guess if I really boil it down and get rid of my idealistic thoughts and drop down to dirty reality my goal is to enjoy it now and make it mo' better later. There is no end goal. I'll keep it up and die maybe in the middle of an upgrade that I'll never hear.
We seem to have scared off the other 700 who follow the thread and don't participate.

That's unfortunate.

I am interested in how our community views what we do.

Please take the time to tell us.
I've worked on stage and in the studio in rock, blues and jazz. No studio recording sounds anything like a live performance no matter who's system is playing.

I have never heard any system that could re-create either a Hammond organ or an accoustic piano. Even the best recordings don't capture the transcients and overtones of a real instrument in a real room. Have someone bring in a trap set and play it in your room. I've never heard a system that could deliver that kind of attack and punch. Have a friend bring by a trumpet, sax, tuba, cello... hell, nearly anything including a kazoo and see if any of your recordings sound like the real thing.

With this in mind, I don't expect my system to sound "live". I do expect it to fill my room with the sound on the recording, capture my imagination and give me some emotional thrills. Sometimes I like to listen casually, sometimes I listen to detail, sometimes I like to rock the farm and sometimes we all just dance. My goal has always been to find gear and recordings that will do all of these well.

I may be in the minority, but I think music is about having a good time and playing with our emotions. Often, I think that the gear may be less important than the musicians and the recordings.

Recently, I sold off a very expensive system loosing many thousands in the process. I had listened to the sales hype, bought the flagship stuff and was stuck with a system that sounded descent on about 10 of my recordings. It never sounded real. The other 2,800 recordings I own sounded like shit. I returned to gear that thrilled me and I've haven't looked back.