Is live reproduction the goal of audio?

Is the ultimate direction of electronics to reproduce the original performance as though it were live?
Snatch the pebble from the crack of my ass young Grasshopper, and it will be time for you to wash your hands!

So THAT's where you've been hiding audio nirvana. And all this time, I've been looking in the wrong place. Charlie101, you gonna join us for a listening session?
Ol' Chuck 101 has clearly been doing some searching for it himself since he's obviously got his head buried deep up his own dark cavity, and has yet to contribute anything here beyond what he's found up there!

Ley me try.

Fire was dicovered and it's function is being and will be used. The atom or the molecule of the discovery of the " what is fire" has nothing to do with it.

Function is superiour to structure. All dicoveries that man made ...electricity ,stereo etc... are more the function then structure.Measuring or knowing the exact hz don't mean a thing as long as i can manipulate it. Knowing an absolute measurement is not of any help.

The stuff that brings the music into the home is structure. Totally useless.

Don't confuse the component with med -rare. Component = meat rare is the function. It is grilled that way.

Take a structure, steak, And grill it ...communication and function. You now have a griiled med -rare.

When we try to say everyone has different tastes and there is no right or wrong . I think what your trying to say is he can boil his steak if he want's to . If it is right for him is.
YES. But don't come onto a site that is doing grilling and saying boiled is the same because i have rights.

Hi-fi is a tech ,a methode a right way of obtaining a sound. Buying a $$$$ does not give you that right.

Freedom is one thing ...political correctness is another and hi-fi does have a definition which is very ,very loose .Therefore all this confusion.

I want you to describe the perfect way to grill a steak. 1) best piece of meat. 2) spices 3) hot BBQ.....4) you get the funtion and I can teach most.

Audiogon and structure

Well in order to grill steak. 10 onces...34939429348283939929292 molecules. gravity stable. Born in russia and fed in US. Grain fed and was allowed to "free range" .....who cares. If you can't cook it to perfection . Burned steak is crap.