Is live reproduction the goal of audio?

Is the ultimate direction of electronics to reproduce the original performance as though it were live?
I 'm not telling you what you should like guys. I'm telling you should have fun and enjoy your systems . Just don't call it audiophile. It has a definite definition that's all I am saying. You have what is called lifestyle systems. Your living rooms plus a hi-fi set up. Not to be confused with audiophile. It is living room plus cool.

Your two statements here contradict one another IMO. Paul Klipsch had a little button he liked to refer people too upon hearing them espouse blather like this. It said simply, in elegant old english lettering, against a bright yellow background; "Bullshit". As far as sticking folks into pidgeon holes, and giving them titles, some of which are solely to elevate or lower their status in one arena or another, well, that'd be my response to you. You can look at my system on my system page and you can make up any old name you like for me like ol' Chuckles101 might. Either one means the same to me: absolutely nothing. Thinking like that is about as tightly packed "in the box" as a person can get. Labels and pidgeon holes are the roots of prejudice, and in the way your are applying them only serve to separate one of us from the other. No fun in that at all.

You cannot teach a guy who knows it all already. You are audiophiles right .You got me too. Man I better go lick my wounds.

01-28-06: C5150
You cannot teach a guy who knows it all already. You are audiophiles right .You got me too. Man I better go lick my wounds.
C5150 (Answers)
Post your photos, and any explanations required. Until you do, you have no basis on which to judge others.
So, we have the real definition of an audiophile; a man/woman who lists his/her audio/stereo system pictures for others to criticize on Audiogon. I expect that it's also necessary to listen to music occassionally and believe that your system (living room with IPOD) is better than others BOSE or $100,000 equipment filled room or more.

Is that right? Good.

If so, I still am looking to learn about A'goners views about whether live reproduction is the goal of audio in their view.

...I still am looking to learn about A'goners views about whether live reproduction is the goal of audio in their view.

Lakefrontroad (System | Threads | Answers)
Live reproduction is no longer my goal. If it comes as an ancillary benefit, then I'll take it.