Is live reproduction the goal of audio?

Is the ultimate direction of electronics to reproduce the original performance as though it were live?
So, we have the real definition of an audiophile; a man/woman who lists his/her audio/stereo system pictures for others to criticize on Audiogon. I expect that it's also necessary to listen to music occassionally and believe that your system (living room with IPOD) is better than others BOSE or $100,000 equipment filled room or more.

Is that right? Good.

If so, I still am looking to learn about A'goners views about whether live reproduction is the goal of audio in their view.

...I still am looking to learn about A'goners views about whether live reproduction is the goal of audio in their view.

Lakefrontroad (System | Threads | Answers)
Live reproduction is no longer my goal. If it comes as an ancillary benefit, then I'll take it.
By the way, if your goal is the live reproduction, I have just received a recording that should be considered in your reference library.

Bill Bruford's "Earthworks Underground Orchestra" Summerfold Records BBSF 013CD

Recorded live at the Iridium Jazz Club in NYC. Great recording!
So, we have the real definition of an audiophile;

No, actually the definition you proposed doesn't even come close. But if you did look up the actual definition you may find a more cut and dry answer to your question.

The definition in Meriam-Webster doesn't say anyting about iPods, posting pictures, the price paid for any systems, or whether or not there is a predisposition to disrespect Bose or any other manufacturer. Their definition doesn't even require the individual own an audio system...

Main Entry: au·dio·phile
Pronunciation: 'o-dE-O-"fIl
Function: noun
: a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction

Investigate that a little bit further and check out the definition of High-Fidelity:

Main Entry: high fidelity
Function: noun
: the reproduction of an effect (as sound or an image) that is very faithful to the original

So, there you have it. By definition the answer to your question is yes. In actual practice it once again comes down to more relative terms, determined by who's judging what qualifies as "faithful to the original", and we've already been there so I won't digress any further.

Live reproduction is my goal, but unfortunately it isn't for the producers of the software, i.e. the recordings.
Bob P.