Miss your audio when traveling?


Here on a business trip...while, there the hotel room has a Travoli radio...not the same as my gear at home. How does one cope..........
try 8 months away from home post Katrina

My main system - the amp and pre and in boxes
electrical surges may have hit them during the storm
must get them to Richard Gray

how does one cope? music in the car (those 6 hour trips)
and my bedroom system hauled over to Houston
it will be nice when I get back to New Orleans

at least I didn't have major damage
I have a friend who lost 12,000 lps
his brother lost his home

if you compare up, you are miserable
if you compare down, you are greatful
God Bless

Audiotomb - I think loseing 12,000 LPs is trivial when put into perspective to what happened. All of this audio stuff is insignificant in a situation like that.

"if you compare up, you are miserable
if you compare down, you are greatful
God Bless"
- Tom

What a great statement Tom!
i don't miss it, have an ipod, some noise cancelling headphones, and 5000 songs on shuffle play. i do miss my listening room -- a real nice place to relax and tune out. sure beats the lounge at the Delhi airport...
Audiotomb - Good luck with the rebuilding to you and everyone in the Gulf Coast. So true about things are all relative.

