are all power conditioners noisy?

I just received a powervar, and I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but this stonkin' big transformer hums!
I've read reviews where they complain abount the amount of fan noise in some companies products.
To me, the power conditioner adding background noise- even though it's not coming out of the speaker, is very distracting.
Is there such a thing as a silent power conditioner, or should I just give up?
Hard to believe. I'm down sizing to the Mini digital for my front end and I have a Hydra 2 for my analog. That ain't chopped liver, but it's no Eclipse. I had professional counseling and I'm told I will be all Saving for the APL Denon 3910 or the Exemplar 3910. Can't decide. Nice to have these high class problems...peace, warren :)
anyone have an Audio Magic Mini Digital for sale? OK, I said it. I feel better already. My doctor said it's good to get these things out. Ooops, got to take one of my meds... :)
I have a BPT and as was mentioned it is dead quiet. I've had 2 Powervar's and they both hummed so much I had to sell them. The Powervar's also killed dynamics on my system although at the time I was only using it for my preamp and CD player...