When is the best time to buy equipment??

The CES show in Vegas in early winter is when a lot of manufacturers are showcasing their upcoming products. These new products typically come out either in the spring, when people's wallets have recovered from Christmas, or in the fall, in anticipation of the upcoming holiday buying season. Therefore, with a lot of new product coming out in the spring and fall, it would seem logical that dealers would like to get rid of the old stock before the latest and greatest new thing comes out. For this reason, I think that early spring and late summer should be the best time. Think of how car dealers discount their products just as the new model years are released.

I don't have any real facts to back this up in terms of sales figures but it seems to make sense to me, at least for new products. The second hand market might lag the new product market slightly as people get the upgrade itch after they've had time to digest the new product offerings.

It's an interesting question you pose. It would also be interesting if AudiogoN gave some statistics on a month by month basis as to the number of transactions the site has facilitated. However, AudiogoN might not know how many transactions resulted from the ads placed here. Also, they might not want to release such information as it could be confidential for business reasons.