
I'm running a pair of VTL MB185 Mono Amps and I'm interested in replacing my speakers. I do like good imaging, but I also enjoy being able to listen to music with someone. That being said, does anyone have a suggestion for speakers that don't have a tiny sweetspot? (please don't say Bose Acoustimass, lol!) I've been reading about the Von Schweikert, Silverline and Avatar. Does anyone have an opinion on them or any other? I have about $3000.00 to spend on the used market.

The Daedalus DA-1 loudpspeakers are designed to address exactly what you are looking for. They have 2 tweeters in each channel that are at offset angles to provide a very wide "sweet area."

Even at demo/used pricing, these are a tad out of your price range. However, they do what you desire. If you can swing the higher price, you should look into these. There are several recent threads.
Barrelchief beat me to it--Ditto the DA-1's which provide excellent off-axis response. Went to a live concert yesterday and was reminded again how live music doesn't present a precise image--not sure why we insist on one with our hi-fi setups.
Newbee's suggestion is good. Toe-in the speakers so that lines drawn from each driver at 90 degrees to the face of the speaker would cross a couple of feet in front of the listening position. If necessary move the speakers slightly further apart. This helps to broaden the sweet spot for imaging.

Following the Cardas room placement rules have helped broaden the sweet spot in terms of tonal balance for me.

It worked well for me.
I'm not sure what speaker system you have. I would try repostioning your speakers first. One method I have used with my Revels, is to mount a laser pointer to a yard stick and use it while following Newbee's advice above. The laser pointer is a bit more precise and if you use one of the newer ones that emits a line, even more effective. I've found the more precise you are the better the image quatlity. Also make sure to level your speakers left to right. If your speakers can be adjusted vertically to increase/decrease the tilt, that can help too. You might want to experiment with widening the distance between your speakers and nearfield postioning.
If you have not done so finding and treating the first reflection points can sometimes widen the listening sweetspot. You may want to use some diffusion.
Hope this helps.