Should we upgrade high end fuses?

Have anyone try these fuses? since we put lots of money for better power cord, power line or power condition etc, but at the end power has to go through the stock fuse... Please share your experience. Thanks.
But Nrchy I have much experience in changing fuses, as I have posted previously, and I heard no difference. If the only experience that counts for you is experience that agrees with your contentions, then you are, indeed, doomed to not learn from others' experiences.
BTW, those that believed that the earth was flat were those that did not believe (or understand) in objective measurements. There is no way to experience the "sphere" aspect of the earth, but one can measure it! So who are you to believe?
Bob P.
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) was the first known modern person to propose the Earth circles the Sun. He based his theory on earlier writings and a belief that it was a more probable and elegant solution. He had no observational evidence of this theory, was challenging the religious beliefs of the time, and was accused by his peers of "wanting to over-turn the whole science of astronomy"!

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) followed up by correctly describing the motions of the planets using geometry and science. His equations of motion are a celebrated major achievement. Even so, it took at least 100 years for most educated people to accept and believe the earth was round, and the sun was not the center of the universe.

Now audiophiles are proposing wires and fuses make a difference... Any Kepler's out there ready to step up to this?
Somehow I doubt that any present-day Kepler would waste his time on fuse comparisons. But good grief, wires make a major difference and I'm surprised you're still in the naysayer camp on this one. The fuse differences are not as pronounced and it does take a fairly highly resolving system to bring them out. Your post is a little pompous, don't you think? Dave
The audiophiles that are proposing that "hearing" the difference proves that that difference exists, just like the people that saw that the earth was flat were sure that they were correct, despite the "objective" measurements that proved them wrong.
My experience has taught me to NOT trust my senses too much, but more the science.
Bob P.
Dave, I have experienced the differences wire can make, but have never tried high end fuses. I am open to whether they make a difference or not. Maybe I didn't make my comparative point clear.

Copernicus risked ridicule with his proposals, and eventually Kepler proved him right. Some audiophiles are being ridiculed for proposing they hear a difference with high end fuses, and I'm challenging someone to come up with the scientific proof one way or the other.

I can live with the answer either way.