What are the best tubes for a VTL TL 2.5 Preamp?

Will changing tubes really make a difference over the stock tubes? Which, by the way are made in China. My VTL uses 2 12AU7's and 2 12AX7"s. Will different tubes and brands make any difference in the sound? Thanks for any input.
before investing in expensive tubes, ask the manufacturer if the circuit is tube sensitive.

i have been told by at least 2 manufacturers that the brand of tube will have a very small impact upon the sound of a component.
My Lamm LL2 Deluxe is quite sensitive to tube swaps (using both 12AU7 and 6922). My previous First Sound Presence Deluxe II preamp was not as sensitive as the Lamm, although tube swaps did make a difference in the system's sound.

I agree that swapping some less expensive tubes would be a good way to proceed before spending large amounts on NOS tubes.

By the way, there are many domestic NOS 12AU7 tubes that can be excellent...Raytheon and RCA 5814A come to mind. They run about $40/pair on E-Bay, and they sound quite good.
i suggest that you consider ge 5814 black plate along with the other selections.