Anyone own a Running Springs Audio power cond.

I am currently demoing one in my home and I am currious if anyone has owned one and what they think of it. So far it seems to be a positive addition.
Try the Running Springs. I use one for my power amp and another for sources (preamp, DAC, CD transport etc). In some systems, they need break-in. They are excellent - one of the greatest "bang for the buck" deals in audio.
I have an RSA Haley in my home theater now and like it a lot. If you demo in the video setup, you might find it's easier to see than hear the differences. I compared it to the Sound Applications Reference LineStage I use for 2 channel and found it to hold it's own very well.
Theo, you might want to take a look at a review I posted here on the GON that concerned the Running Spring's Jaco. I had tried at least three other companies gear and found the Jaco to be superlative, with no downside at all.

The guys who own and run Running Springs are great gentleman and were fun to deal with. I also agree with Kmccarty that their products are very reasonable priced for the level of both build quality and performance compared to other companies.