Childproof audio

Long-time reader, first-time poster.

The past year has seen the arrival in my home of sweet-sounding monitors on spiked stands, nice cabling, components... and an infant boy :-)

I hope someone can share their thoughts about childproofing a quality audio system in an average home.

Off the top of my head: Only buy grille-covered speakers. Somehow tether the speakers to prevent them getting knocked over.
Hello Unsound:

It would appear that I was unaware of a problem that was far larger than I first thought. Please accept my most humble apologies in good faith.

I still beleive that proper limits set and adhered to make good children and responsible adults. I love mine dearly, however I always felt that my life had it's considerations that were important as well. Music has and always will be my stress relief valve. I needed it when the kids were young sometimes more than now.


Paul :-)
Beemer, no apolgies necessary. Forgive me if I was overly adamant.
I do agree that "proper limits set and adhered to make good children and resposible adults."
I couldn't agee more with you, when you say "Music has and always will be my stress relief valve. I needed it more when the kids were young sometimes more than now." Ahmen!
It is nice to share the experience with the little ones now and then as well.
Best Regards,
Resprung, with a 6 and 3 year old at home, I'm living your question!

Came to the same conclusions as already stated, but let me throw out another idea on speakers: Martin-Logan.

They're practically bullet-proof, and unless you try to electrocute yourself they're just about as safe as can be.

Fwiw, my 300Bs, 5687s, 6sn7 and 5u4 roast away on the top of an open rack--and my kids still have all their fingerprints.

Nurture & nature.
