Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi Calvinj,I wish I was in a postion to hear all your guys systems,in person. Maybe just aswell,Im on the other side of the world.I think I might be alot lighter in the pocket.
Rebel 721 has a system to be very chuffed with aswell.Those grand masters would be breath taking too,I would think.
More expensive than both my autos

Aw come on, a pair of used Yugos don't cost that much
No, I am getting the Evolution Omega's speaker cables with the Evolution Zero interconnects. I am not even thinking about Grandmaster anything. You got to draw the line somewhere and this is where I think it's insanity spending that king of money....Not needed. The Evolutions will have no equal which will be good enough for me.
whart, tell us a bit about the veloce equipment, I know nothing about them, chime in, this thread you can talk about anything!