Many reviewers will lead you down the wrong path.

A lot of reviewers will tell you that they listen for something specific on certain records to see if things are correctly setup. Either they don't know what they are talking about, or it is very misleading. This is how you tweak a system. One: use the objective parameters, i.e., tonearm should be level with record being played; speakers should be so many feet from the back and/or side wall, anti-skate dial should match tracking force dial, etc. Two: slightly tweak things one way or another, until you hear what does what. When they tell you that from memory, they think such-and-such, ask their age. I would discount anything they say if they are over 50(I'm 55). When you find out what does what, you will know what to do. If the final answer doesn't have the treble that you've heard before, or has sibilance, or not enough bass, too bad. You do not use things to dial in things that you know exist. Your job is to find out what is best for what you are dealing with. Ignore all the other stuff. You'll be glad that you heard this from me. Go on to other parameters, but do not try to dial in one thing from one tweak. That is not how it is done. You listen until you hear what one thing does and put that right.
I would discount anything they say if they are over 50(I'm 55).
Mmakshak (Threads | Answers)
I guess you're disqualified by your own admonition.

Don't you hate when that happens? :)
This is quite a dilemma. You can't believe the old farts due to memory and hearing loss yet the young bucks don't have enough experience to establish credibility. Here's a couple novel ideas, trust what you hear and.............. never mind I forgot the second one.
My favorite is any reviewer who will say "Based upon my recollection..." of a system he heard years before (in a different room!) and one which has NOTHING in common with the system being reviewed. Yeah, I trust that guy...

"My favorite is any reviewer who will say "Based upon my recollection..." of a system he heard years before (in a different room!) and one which has NOTHING in common with the system being reviewed. Yeah, I trust that guy..."

I'd be more concerned with those who do not preface their comparisons with a disclaimer. One can remember ones reactions (especially if one takes notes) even when recollection of the original sound is long gone.

Is this a serious post?
You do not use things to dial in things that you know exist. Your job is to find out what is best for what you are dealing with. Ignore all the other stuff. You'll be glad that you heard this from me. Go on to other parameters, but do not try to dial in one thing from one tweak. That is not how it is done. You listen until you hear what one thing does and put that right.
It's barely coherent.