PS Audio Noise Harvester


I just ordered a PS Audio Noise Harvester and I would like to know people's experince with the PS Audio Noise Harvester and the improvement in sound. Does it work also with a 220V system?


Drubin: It would appear that your combo of gear / power cords / AC system seems to be working quite well for you. That is, at least in terms of the purity of incoming AC signal AND in having selected gear that has a low level of self generated internal noise from within the components themselves. This shows competency in design of the power supply and / or power cords, which hopefully carried over into other parts of the circuitry too : ) Sean
You may be mis-interpreting my comments. The rolloff of high frequency is on the power line, not on the reproduction of the recording. Yes, I can easily believe that if the RFI is reduced on your power lines that this would translate to a more relaxed and extended high frequency presentation without any rolloff. The removal of noise on power deliver is frequently described as translating to a "blacker" background on the music, which would allow a better presentation of low level detail and of high frequencies.
Just want to give my experience with the noise harvester. I have had one in service for over a month. I honestly can't perceive an improvement or detriment from its use. Maybe my ears are shot. But what has fascinated me is the unpredictable behavior of the blue light. I have a dedicated music room with a dedicated circuit that includes three 15A wall outlets and an overhead light. Typically, but not always, the NH may not flash for the entire day until about 9 PM. After 9 PM it generally begins to flash, sometime once every few minutes while at other times a few flashes per second. I have also witnessed rapid flashing continuously for about 36 hours. Then again I have seen it remain silent for two days. No relationship to day of week. And I have deligently tried to correlate the flashing with operating in-house devices - but THERE IS NO CORELATION!. I have check the 3-5 times per second flashing at 3 AM when nothing (including the fridge, AC, and lights) were on. I tried to relate the flashing to rain, relative humidity, wind, temperature, etc., etc., ad infinitum, BUT NOTHING. Can someone please explain this behavior? As far as I'm concerned, at present the NH is nothing more than a noise sensor that presents curious patterns of external power line noise that I can't explain.

Anybody else experience this? Thanks.