Backing out of audiophilism for now

I am backing out for the moment! To much stress... See you guys sometime again whenever!

I was shure nice to chat and exchange ideas between 'audio-friends'. Thankyou.

Kind regards & adeu!
Dewald Visser
I can relate. The stress for me is in the buying and selling (without which you can't really explore the boundaries of your system), dealing with the not-so-considerate people in the process, the juggling of the finances involved, and then of course there is UPS which seems to always "make your day" ... I still manage to keep the faith though, there are still plenty of good folks out there who are both true audiophiles and just plain good decent human beings, quite a few of them right here on the 'gon forum. And of course, there is the music, which always put a gigantic ear-to-ear grin on my face ... =)
Hej - but if the music does'nt sound nice it not worth listening. People I'll rather live in silnce that use a runn-off-the-mill intigrated micro hi-fi (or whatever they're called)

I hate earphones - their just uncomfotable and unrealistic.

I can get a very, very old Sudgen Pre-amp for $30. I does'nt look like much but it may just get me in the swing of things. What do you think?

And does anyone know B & J pre-amps? A local guy is offering me one - I must be honest - I really don't know this brand.

Times is so tight at the moment that I does'nt even get time to play piano. It is no a month since I last played!

Thanks for all the moral support!

Dewald V
If you have a remedy it would be glad.

I recon the remedy for me a pre-amp that actually works.

(Off the record - just tested my turntable and it works like a dream. Did the tests with a crappy Pioneer receiver of one of my pals)

Thanks for the support guys! I do appreciate.

Hey, the turntable is a beaut - you can't stop now. I look forward to the rest of the pic's.