your most memorable component

what component, other than a speaker, has contributed to the greatest change in the sound of your stereo system ?

what was the nature of the change ?
Sony SCD-1 modded in Frankenstein's lab with 210 amp-hours of battery power, transformer output stage, and the new Audiocom Superclock 4. The far corner of the soundstage is on the sidewalk outside the house.
My first tubed preamp, an Air Tight ATC-1, I never knew at the time that a preamp was so important. Now I'll never go back to ss for a preamp.

Mark Levinson 333. I was running my Thiel CS3.6 speakers on a much less powerful SS amp. I learned my lesson...

My most "recent" memorable component ... Marchand XM126 Crossover. I have been biamping my rig since forever and have heard many times that you need an external crossover to fully realize the potential of biamping. Never got around to check that out. Then one day, I was browsing the 'Gon and saw an XM126 for sale. I thought what the heck, if it doesn't work out, I can always sell it ... It made such a huge improvement on my system I am still recovering from the shock ...
Linn Universal 1.1 player. Gave my CDs incredibly more detail, clarity, and air. A great piece of equipment.